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Saturday, November 20, 2010

The combination of light and dark

Previous articles and I lightworking darkworking, that two paths eventually lead to the same place. In this article I will explain how this convergence appears.

Lightworking and darkworking building methods are powerful.By focusing intently one-way flow of energy, you can create a strong, internal resistance can be overcome. practical level, this means that through lightworking or darkworking, you can become a lot stronger than it was in pre-polarized.

For varchno, this takes the form to the stream of service.Varchno focuses on energy flow through to give, give, give more outward.

For this stream darkworker, takes the form of selfishness. darkworker focuses on energy flow in through the taking, taking, and more.

Ultimately, these are the stages of development, not fixed resting places.

Initially, when a person does polarized focuses on one modality (lightworking or darkworker), their power to improve dramatically.

In this case, the power is the ability to create your reality. Pre-polarized people are generally weak.They have very little power, so they mostly play the role of soldiers. They do not know how to use their power, and therefore their creative expression is low.

Pre-polarized people are continually power dissipating. They fall into formats like focusing on what they don't want to complain, to give their power away to others if they set goals, they generally fail to achieve them.They're easily distracted, knocked out of the course. Someone else is always the same boss. they do not control the direct control of their lives.

Polarized people, however, focused. because they very congruent, they create a strong flow of energy one-way.By getting clear about their deepest desires, they succeed to overcome obstacles.

In General, people very polarized are inconvenient to function in society.They know how to use their power to solve problems and practical advice.Lightworkers and darkworkers-you may scale channel differently, but they get things done.

Rarely hear people say something like polarized, "I can't afford it," as such a statement is the abuse of power.Lightworkers and darkworkers are stronger than that.They know how to communicate their power to get what they want instead of accidentally create just the opposite.

Moreover, lightworkers and not wishful thinking darkworkers. they succeed to get real results. If they want something, they get it. Another reason rarely say something like, "I can't afford it," they know they get what they want if they continue to use their power is not just an intelligent. wishful thinking that makes them focus on their desires. experience it.

Time lightworking and manufacturing a strong electrical darkworking. Positive results are created more quickly. But eventually they come to the point where it seems their maxed out may even begin to decline.

This is the point at which the shadow self should be integrated into the shadow is the polar opposite ....

Shadow of varchno self includes the sounds of greed, selfishness, ambition, competition, lust, lust for power.

Darkworker shadow self includes the sounds of love, caring, compassion, and a desire for authentic connection.

The initial impulse for the modality or will suppress these parts of the self, if you are even approved.

Varchno, for example, to perform more work than to attempt to go beyond the inner thoughts of selfishness, or may attempt to rationalize its operations or to justify as a form of service.

Similarly, a darkworker gently may disrupt relationships and keep people away, so they don't get too close to point out the shadow Rachman.

When Varchno or darkworker identified have reached this point, the work of integration.

For that it's time to get to know varchno self-service and other service are not in conflict.More varchno serves him/herself, the more others can be of service to others also to know others. varchno deserves to receive the service of others, and denying this gift now would be a mistake.

For that it's time to get to know darkworker best way to get others to serve others.More darkworker begins care other, more powerful than others can make.Darkworker can also identify that others actually feels best when sharing value with others, that prohibit the value of giving now would be a mistake.

When you lightworkers and darkworkers begin to integrate their shadows, and they both get another increase in power, they also increase their alignment with the principle of unity.

Unlike the Ebenezer Scrooge character bkrol holiday of Charles Dickens, transformation will not usually occur overnight. it takes time and patience.

The advantage of this polarization is helps you learn how to communicate effectively.It also leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of the force.

Power can be sometimes nebulous concept.Ask questions like, "what should I do?" and "what might create now?" tend to be difficult to answer a lot of people to meet,. "I don't know.", and that all they know how to do is continue to confirm the status quo.And quite often the status quo isn't what they really want.

But when varchno asks, "How can I help this person asks you a darkworker?" or, "what gives me joy?" is lighter. questions like these are usually easier to answer, especially when you consistently stick with one side or the other for a period of years.

Really good at varchno receives power communication service, and also to pursuits darkworker, self-centered. These are limited to the uses of power, but they are educational. at the end of these training periods can be very worthwhile.

When the mixture begins, varchno and darkworker to try to save their focus while expanding breadth of their goal is to keep the high strength while broadening spectrum.

Lightworkers and darkworkers know how to communicate certain frequencies of power. is one of the best ways for them to integrate other frequencies to learn from each other. in fact, they become teachers of the other may sometimes, but hits heads among strong there tends to be a certain measure of mutual respect as they learn more about the essence of power to each other through their interaction. harp hero become stronger than both of them, like all the other becomes more like.

Should be, power tend to attract each other, regardless of their main polarity.

Interact with people you have mastered the frequencies of very different from those in which the power to control brings a whole new set of challenges do you master a wide spectrum of frequency power without losing the focus?

You can convert a darkworker building empire into rich varchno hadrichliot?, service-driven marketer can become effective?

This change can be disruptive, but it is also time exciting because additional frequencies are available for study. path may include many beginner and. but in the end, there are potential varchno the darkworker accept each other's forces, unlocks the creative energy than all.

Learn how to make faster progress in your career, relationships, financial habits, health, and more. see Steve at conscious growth workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This value has the sixth 27 August 2010: 52 7 am, is filed under mind-consciousness, metaphysics, spirituality. you can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. both comments and pings are currently closed.

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