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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Steve Pavlina Facebook Fan Page

By popular request (i.e. constant nagging for last year), and finally create a Facebook fan page Steve Pavlina. If you have a Facebook account, please feel free to friend me there by clicking the "like" on this page.:)

My personal Facebook page has already maxed out everyday at 5,000 members for more than a year, so I was stuck with a queue growth than ever of hundreds of requests for my friends do not approve. I only can add new members of the Facebook people are gone, but always waiting list grows faster.I also can't add new members to my own chose also when I fall down members 4980 or to Facebook I'm too close to the limit and still give me to send requests to a new Member.

Nice thing about fan pages is that they provide essentially the same functionality as the standard Facebook page, but as I say, there is no limit on the number of connections that you have.The best part for me is that I don't need to approve requests go to the page manual fan — as you may imagine, doing it for a page with thousands of requests to get a bit tiresome.

Just let the Facebook fan page within an hour previously, and there are dozens of people are already connected to it, I suspect it eventually take Facebook-my personal page in terms of the number of connections.

I'm not sure what to do differently with the page fan in front of one personal, so in the meantime, I'm probably replicate status updates on both. In the long run, I probably won't have to pay more attention to the fan grows of the number of connections, using it as a place to stimulate discussion and feedback on a variety of ideas.

I am already into a social network and online since 1994, so I'm already very active in Facebook and Twitter if you saw my personal Facebook page, you know that it is quite lively.

Catalyst but rather that finally pushed me over the edge to create a fan page was reading the book the Facebook effect: inside story of the company that is connected to the world by David was brought.This is a fascinating read if you care to learn about the history of Facebook.Buy and read it on my iPad.

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Learn how to make faster progress in your career, relationships, financial habits, health, and more. see Steve at conscious growth workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

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