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Monday, November 29, 2010

Membership Niche Selection Tips

This article explains how to select a niche profitable for your business.

Which number 1 you need to do is find fanatics if you want to locate profitable companies. Fanatic is set as someone with rational.These are the people you are looking for because they are so enthusiastic, they are investing their money on the topic of fanaticism. here's how to find fanatics:

Look at the magazine racks. This is often overlooked, but it's easy to find niches they people interested. In today's economy, start magazine is tougher than ever – some of these are out of business. Therefore, if it appears on the shelves, it makes money, that is held in the large market of interest in this topic. If they can make money in the print version, you can probably money with the Web site of the company. You have plenty of opportunities every day to see what they are interested in. Just pay attention to what people are speaking on the radio, in social, shop or restaurants as well as anywhere in public. People usually talk about things that they are interested in. And this also they might say to pay money to learn more about it. Conventions, clubs and organizations. Again, if there is enough people interested in this topic to create a club or organization, you don't have enough people to build a business around companies. Conventions are participating, so if one if happens because it indicates power another niche good sign in with your membership and hold Web site. What about your hobbies and interests? Chances are that if you love a topic or hobby, other people do, too. And, as an additional bonus, a lot more fun to build a business around the things you're interested in. Google trends. This is to figure out what people are interested in. This service shows the current most popular search terms.Google search for reason people information about these topics is that they are interested in and the fact that it made it into Google trends tells you lots of the people they are interested in. Hot topics are people excited to become a great niches for your company's Web site.

After selecting a niche is to build a site around your membership, your next step is to discover whether it be a profitable niche. One way this is going out was out of the figure to see if the other make money.

Well, how do we understand that?

Find out if there are blogs or forums related to it.Just search Google "blog YourNiche" & "YourNiche Forum" and see what is coming. This lets you know market (a group of people interested in actively niche). check Amazon, eBay Shopping Google to find out if others are thus selling niche products. If there are because it notifies you people make money here, is a good sign.Look at Google Adwords for awareness of it running over time if people are running ad at the same time, this means that they make money. They do not continue to spend money on advertising if there were a return does not.

Well, this is a hot topic, you know that other people make money on it. You can get involved, to do it? Here's how to make this determination:

To understand what kinds of products people want to b. If physical products is mainly coaching live seminars, and then it will be harder to break into this niche.Web sites of companies on the basis of the information are the easiest to start and maintain.The next thing to look at is competition. you do not want to try to break into marketing saturated, so guess how many people have already sold.Unless the market is large so it doesn't matter how many competitors are, you want to restrict competition.So evaluate the size, in front of the competition.Ready-to-market are people who are willing to buy ...? can maximize marketing messages? number niches are made up of people require a lot of information there is a very long lead time, some markets are filled with people invest a lot of money now.

At this point already figured out what niche you're going into. fanatics are found, you know they spend money, and you are sure there is room in the market for you if you are already signed together with the following you are almost guaranteed success. the only thing left to cover is exactly how to start a business ...Your membership

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Strategies for building an email list

Frankly, every one to make money on the Internet e-mail list. Is the number one key to open the lkolonializm success. After you have created a list, you can resell it constructed repeatedly. This is similar to a renewable resource that allows you to make money on demand.

There are 3 factors in a list that you should consider:

Your Opt-in page your Bribe success page opt-in

Opt-in to your page- landing page is a page that contains the form opt-in.This is where to enter your email address. therefore, it must be well-designed. And I have a easy to understand form opt-in. And call to action be clear!

If you fail to close strong, you are wasting efforts. This is a definitive "visitor what to do.You rate of opt-in to take a dramatic nose dive without it. Strange, but if you don't tell people what to do, they won't do it.

You can get the page opt-in to the next level if you add a video to it.You have only a few second to get the attention of visitors – video helps! you can repeat the call to action several times, int he video and after the video, you can make it simply say "fill in the form now".

If you don't know how to make a video, don't worry.You can hire freelancers do this for you for a few hundred dollars to get an email or list tools with all pre-higher level for you.

Bribe- second component is the reason that they are to your list. you'll have to give people a compelling reason to give their email. most people are very protective of their e-mail address. To make the "bribe" good!

You must supply a value in your bribe so good then it makes people want to get you something. Gains is actually. Here are some examples:

EBook of a piece of software, videos, email training series

Basically, you just need some content. And to make it informative and useful. And of course be free.The bottom line is that there just be worth more to them than to the email address.

Again, don't worry if you don't know how to make the trip.Super easy to hire someone to create it for you just tell them what is subject and they can write the content. one bribe easy and effective training is a series of 5-part of the email.There is a ghost writers create emails under $ 25 e-mail.And the whole thing only cost a hundred and fifty great value.

You can also receive e-mail list building tools that have the quality.Two things to remember when writing (or buy), email series training. first of all give a subscription to what you promised-Wikipedia, the invaluable information.There are also generate revenue for you!The easiest way to do this is to market products affiliate emails.Affiliate products easy because you do not need to do anything at all you can to earn commissions and certain immediately from your email.

Your confirmation page- Finally, consider the page opt-in.After subscribing to your list, the moderator redirected to this page.It's nice to give them some great content as soon as this helps them to feel that they have made the correct decision and giving you their email and it helps you to create the relationship., and it also makes them more likely to open your emails.

This is another case where you can get a complete marketing package or move on.. write it all DIY yourself or hire a ghost writers write them for you.

It makes no difference if you build your opt-in, the bribe and thank you., or hire someone to do it for you or if you register for a solution to the "full package" only it is important to start the day ... building a list of opt-in when you marked it son. you are free to make money at the push of a button.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The combination of light and dark

Previous articles and I lightworking darkworking, that two paths eventually lead to the same place. In this article I will explain how this convergence appears.

Lightworking and darkworking building methods are powerful.By focusing intently one-way flow of energy, you can create a strong, internal resistance can be overcome. practical level, this means that through lightworking or darkworking, you can become a lot stronger than it was in pre-polarized.

For varchno, this takes the form to the stream of service.Varchno focuses on energy flow through to give, give, give more outward.

For this stream darkworker, takes the form of selfishness. darkworker focuses on energy flow in through the taking, taking, and more.

Ultimately, these are the stages of development, not fixed resting places.

Initially, when a person does polarized focuses on one modality (lightworking or darkworker), their power to improve dramatically.

In this case, the power is the ability to create your reality. Pre-polarized people are generally weak.They have very little power, so they mostly play the role of soldiers. They do not know how to use their power, and therefore their creative expression is low.

Pre-polarized people are continually power dissipating. They fall into formats like focusing on what they don't want to complain, to give their power away to others if they set goals, they generally fail to achieve them.They're easily distracted, knocked out of the course. Someone else is always the same boss. they do not control the direct control of their lives.

Polarized people, however, focused. because they very congruent, they create a strong flow of energy one-way.By getting clear about their deepest desires, they succeed to overcome obstacles.

In General, people very polarized are inconvenient to function in society.They know how to use their power to solve problems and practical advice.Lightworkers and darkworkers-you may scale channel differently, but they get things done.

Rarely hear people say something like polarized, "I can't afford it," as such a statement is the abuse of power.Lightworkers and darkworkers are stronger than that.They know how to communicate their power to get what they want instead of accidentally create just the opposite.

Moreover, lightworkers and not wishful thinking darkworkers. they succeed to get real results. If they want something, they get it. Another reason rarely say something like, "I can't afford it," they know they get what they want if they continue to use their power is not just an intelligent. wishful thinking that makes them focus on their desires. experience it.

Time lightworking and manufacturing a strong electrical darkworking. Positive results are created more quickly. But eventually they come to the point where it seems their maxed out may even begin to decline.

This is the point at which the shadow self should be integrated into the shadow is the polar opposite ....

Shadow of varchno self includes the sounds of greed, selfishness, ambition, competition, lust, lust for power.

Darkworker shadow self includes the sounds of love, caring, compassion, and a desire for authentic connection.

The initial impulse for the modality or will suppress these parts of the self, if you are even approved.

Varchno, for example, to perform more work than to attempt to go beyond the inner thoughts of selfishness, or may attempt to rationalize its operations or to justify as a form of service.

Similarly, a darkworker gently may disrupt relationships and keep people away, so they don't get too close to point out the shadow Rachman.

When Varchno or darkworker identified have reached this point, the work of integration.

For that it's time to get to know varchno self-service and other service are not in conflict.More varchno serves him/herself, the more others can be of service to others also to know others. varchno deserves to receive the service of others, and denying this gift now would be a mistake.

For that it's time to get to know darkworker best way to get others to serve others.More darkworker begins care other, more powerful than others can make.Darkworker can also identify that others actually feels best when sharing value with others, that prohibit the value of giving now would be a mistake.

When you lightworkers and darkworkers begin to integrate their shadows, and they both get another increase in power, they also increase their alignment with the principle of unity.

Unlike the Ebenezer Scrooge character bkrol holiday of Charles Dickens, transformation will not usually occur overnight. it takes time and patience.

The advantage of this polarization is helps you learn how to communicate effectively.It also leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of the force.

Power can be sometimes nebulous concept.Ask questions like, "what should I do?" and "what might create now?" tend to be difficult to answer a lot of people to meet,. "I don't know.", and that all they know how to do is continue to confirm the status quo.And quite often the status quo isn't what they really want.

But when varchno asks, "How can I help this person asks you a darkworker?" or, "what gives me joy?" is lighter. questions like these are usually easier to answer, especially when you consistently stick with one side or the other for a period of years.

Really good at varchno receives power communication service, and also to pursuits darkworker, self-centered. These are limited to the uses of power, but they are educational. at the end of these training periods can be very worthwhile.

When the mixture begins, varchno and darkworker to try to save their focus while expanding breadth of their goal is to keep the high strength while broadening spectrum.

Lightworkers and darkworkers know how to communicate certain frequencies of power. is one of the best ways for them to integrate other frequencies to learn from each other. in fact, they become teachers of the other may sometimes, but hits heads among strong there tends to be a certain measure of mutual respect as they learn more about the essence of power to each other through their interaction. harp hero become stronger than both of them, like all the other becomes more like.

Should be, power tend to attract each other, regardless of their main polarity.

Interact with people you have mastered the frequencies of very different from those in which the power to control brings a whole new set of challenges do you master a wide spectrum of frequency power without losing the focus?

You can convert a darkworker building empire into rich varchno hadrichliot?, service-driven marketer can become effective?

This change can be disruptive, but it is also time exciting because additional frequencies are available for study. path may include many beginner and. but in the end, there are potential varchno the darkworker accept each other's forces, unlocks the creative energy than all.

Learn how to make faster progress in your career, relationships, financial habits, health, and more. see Steve at conscious growth workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This value has the sixth 27 August 2010: 52 7 am, is filed under mind-consciousness, metaphysics, spirituality. you can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. both comments and pings are currently closed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

30 days of inspiration and environment

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My 30 days of inspiration trial ended on Sunday, so I’ll do my best to sum up the overall experience, trying not to repeat what I’ve already shared along the way.

Acting on inspiration in the moment, as opposed to planning things out in advance, was a very different way of living for me. In some ways I liked it, and in other ways I didn’t.

I enjoyed the feeling of flow from one action to the next. Instead of hesitating or thinking things through, I just dove right in and took action on whatever felt inspired in the moment. That kept me from getting stuck in my head, so there was very little friction in moving from idea to implementation.

Synchronicities increased massively, usually with several occurring each day. I sure noticed a lot of rabbits during this trial. :)

When I finished one activity, quite often something else would come up the very minute I finished it. For example, as I was saying goodbye to someone on the phone, Erin walked in the door. Then right as she left, the phone rang again. This sort of timing happened many times during this trial.

What I didn’t like was that the flow of inspiration seemed fairly chaotic at times. Sometimes I felt like I was moving forward with purpose, but other times the experience seemed practically random. In retrospect some of those inspired ideas didn’t seem to be worth pursuing. I think it would have helped to engage the left brain a bit and filter some of them out.

I spent a lot of time on communication during this trial — more phone calls, emails, and visits with people. Initially this produced some positive shifts in my relationships. But after a couple weeks of this, I began feeling socially overwhelmed. My inboxes were overflowing with messages from people expecting a personal response from me. It was way too much to keep up with. So by the final week of the trial, I had to pull back socially and stop being so open with my energy. It simply wasn’t practical to maintain it. I really don’t want to be spending 8+ hours a day on communication like I did on some days of this trial.

As for my work, that also seemed like a mixed bag. On the positive side, I blogged a lot during this trial, and that led to a major increase in feedback as well as a surge in forum discussions (about double the usual). Since my income is largely passive in nature, that part of my income wasn’t negatively affected by this trial.

On the other hand, I didn’t do any serious project-based work during this trial, and I skipped certain business tasks I normally would have done, such as sending out a newsletter. So that probably depressed my income a little. Based on what I experienced during this trial, I think that if I ran my business based on pure inspiration in the long run, it would produce some benefits, but I suspect it would hurt me in others ways. The nature of my business allows me to do this sort of thing, but for people with different business models, I think this trial could do more harm than good.

Sometimes I really liked the inspired tasks I was doing. But overall I didn’t like the feeling that things were slipping out of control. If technology didn’t do most of the work of keeping my business running for me, I think this trial could have left me with a mess to clean up.

Acting on inspiration can create a lot of loose ends. If I lived this way for several months in a row, I suspect I’d end up with a disorganized mess of way too many open loops. At some point it’s important to sit down and close those loops, and I didn’t find that inspiration alone was sufficient to get the job done.

For example, during this trial I created a major open loop of deciding that I wanted to move beyond copyrights for my online articles. The feedback I received was voluminous, including a chaotic sampling of offers to create versions of my site in other languages. It goes to show what a complex undertaking this could be, especially when it comes to dealing with translations intelligently. Inspiration may have opened the door to moving forward, but it doesn’t seem adequate to solve all the little problems and challenges that need to be worked out. Making this idea practical seems like more of a left-brained task. Review the various options, consider the expected consequences, and make the best decision I can.

I think inspiration works best for opening new doors and moving forward on fresh ideas. After that, I’d put my money on persistence and self-discipline to cross the finish line. Inspiration is a powerful resource, but it can’t substitute for perspiration.

The subjective reality aspect of this trial involved seeing life from a dream world perspective. I found this to be a very powerful shift.

For the first few weeks, it was challenging to maintain this perspective. I had to keep reminding myself multiple times each day, “I’m dreaming,” “This is a dream,” etc. But by the final week, I somehow shifted from conscious competence to unconscious competence, meaning that my subconscious accepted this as my default way of seeing the world, so I no longer had to consciously think about it.

This was one of the key benefits of doing a 30-day trial. I was able to hold this perspective long enough and consistently enough that my subconscious took over for me. Now it just feels like a natural part of my belief system, something I take for granted. This trial was a big emotional roller coaster, and I’m happy that I can maintain this point of view now without so much conscious effort.

With some experimentation I refined my perspective on other dream characters. Initially I used the perspective that everyone I interacted with was a part of me, like a projection of some part of the dreamer’s subconscious. This yielded some powerful breakthroughs, but I feel like it wasted a lot of time as well. Interacting with everyone at this level is tremendously time-consuming. You have to listen for the message behind every interaction. While some of those messages were truly insightful, others seemed largely worthless to me.

While I agree with the perspective that we’re all connected, I no longer hold the perspective that every dream character I encounter represents an important part of me that I need to understand in great depth. That point of view just didn’t pan out in terms of results.

Now my perspective is that the dream world is filled with lots of richness and variety, and whatever I pay attention to will expand. If I want to delve into a dream character’s apparent issues with scarcity thinking, for instance, the consequence is that I’ll be expanding that aspect of my reality. I’ll be programming the dream for more scarcity.

This has changed the way I perceive responsibility. At first I felt like it was my responsibility to understand and then fix every problem I perceived. However, that approach actually backfired. The more I focused on understanding and helping people in need, the more neediness the dream world manifested. Eventually my inboxes were overflowing with needy messages. That left me feeling very drained and demotivated, and I began craving more alone time just so I wouldn’t have to deal with anyone’s problems. Within a couple weeks, I realized that this approach was totally unsustainable. But I also had to accept that I was inadvertently creating that reality.

I realized how important it is to focus my attention on those aspects of the dream world I wish to expand. So I’ve begun to withdraw my attention from problems and neediness. Now I’m once again focusing on my goals and intentions. And lo and behold, the good stuff is already beginning to expand, and my perception of neediness is quickly receding.

This trial really drove home the idea that we experience what we think about. Thoughts and feelings manifest.

One of the worst things we can do, therefore, is to complain. Complaining directs the dream world to give us more to complain about.

I’d say that the most important lesson I learned from this trial was to pay attention to my beliefs.

When I first started living subjectively for an extended length of time, it felt like I was floating through space. Lots of strange things occurred that convinced me this really is a dream world.

What actually helped me re-ground myself was realizing that my own beliefs were constraining my experience. So while it may seem like anything is possible in a dream world, my beliefs determine how probable certain events are.

This is where we can connect the dots between the subjective and objective frames.

In the objective frame, we’d say that physical reality is primary and that consciousness arises within it. A subjective experience is a bunch of neurons firing in your brain.

In the subjective frame, we’d say that consciousness is primary and the dream world of physical reality arises within it. An objective experience is a result of your beliefs and expectations constraining the dream’s potential.

Subjectively speaking, an objective experience isn’t really objective at all. It just seems that way because your beliefs are narrowing the field of probabilities. Reality only seems objective because you believe and expect it to.

Much of personal development has to do with massaging your beliefs to shift the field of probabilities.

For example, if you go to university and get a degree, that may shift your beliefs about what kind of job you can get or how much money you can earn. If you don’t think you can get a certain type of job, you probably won’t even apply for it. And if you do apply, you’ll sabotage yourself at one point or another since you won’t believe that you’re qualified.

If you read 10 books in a particular field, that may shift your beliefs about your odds of success in that field. You believe that education makes a difference.

But could you have gotten results that were just as good or better without the education, if you simply believed you could succeed?

Since beliefs have a tendency to remain stable, the dream world has an element of consistency to it, making it seem largely objective. However, if you shift your beliefs, your dream world will shift as well.

In the final week of this trial, I began thinking a lot about my beliefs and how they may be filtering and controlling my experience of the dream world. I figured that if I understood my beliefs better, I should be able to improve some aspects of the dream simply by working within those constraints. As I mentioned in a previous post, I can also work on reprogramming or removing beliefs, but for now I want to try working within the structure that’s already there.

I decided to start with diet and exercise, which were lagging behind for most of this trial. I began eating foods that I believed would give me good energy. Last week I started exercising again too.

I asked myself, “What kind of exercise do I believe will give me the greatest benefits in terms of my health and energy?” I’ve tried many forms of exercise over the past two decades, but the answer that came up for me was doing some serious cardio.

My beliefs are filled with “education” about the benefits of cardio exercise, and I also have plenty of memories to that effect.

So I dove in and started doing 60 minutes on the elliptical machine at the gym each morning. I hadn’t exercised in several weeks, so I felt I’d be out of shape, but then I reminded myself that it’s just a dream. How hard could it be if my cardiovascular system isn’t even real? That mindset made the exercise seem easier than ever. I did this workout 5 out of the past 7 days (I took off Sat and Sun), and I’m feeling great.

I could be doing something much fancier, but I don’t actually believe those other workouts to be any more effective than an hour of cardio at 80-90% of max heart rate, at least in terms of its ability to keep me feeling alert and energetic.

Now I’m turning my attention to my business using this attitude as well. Instead of thinking about options and opportunities, I’m pondering my beliefs. What do I believe to be my best options and opportunities? That may seem like a subtle distinction, but it gets me thinking in new directions.

Overall I’m glad I did this trial. It was one of the most intense 30-day trials I’ve ever done, but it’s given me a new sense of possibility.

Acting on every inspiration of the moment with no advance thinking or planning didn’t work out so well, but the subjective reality aspect of this trial was wonderful.

I can explain the shortcomings on the inspiration side simply by noting my beliefs. I didn’t actually believe that acting on inspiration alone was an optimal approach, and so my dream world manifested mixed results.

This trial ended differently than it began. During the first couple weeks, the rapid pace of change was stressful, and it was challenging to hold the subjective perspective for so long. But by the end of the trial, the pacing had become more reasonable. I felt I’d finally integrated the subjective perspective at a subconscious level, so I didn’t have to think about it much. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel, realizing that I could enjoy the best of both worlds by combining inspiration and planning together, in accordance with my beliefs.

Before this trial I primarily saw the world through the objective lens. Now I see it primarily as a subjective dream world, and the objective aspect is secondary. The objective world is merely the field of dream possibilities filtered through my beliefs and expectations, so it seems semi-consistent.

Thirty days was enough time to do this experiment and learn the lessons I wanted to learn, but it’s not enough time to understand the long-term effects. The way I see the world is so different than when I first started this trial. That’s got to have some kind of impact over time, but I can’t predict what it will look like. I think I’ll need a few more months before I have a clearer sense of it.

What about CGW #5 in October? Some people suggested that I do the workshop from a subjective perspective. There’s also the idea of presenting it from a place of inspiration in the moment with no pre-planning.

I can safely reject the second idea based on the results of this trial. While speaking off the cuff for 3 days might be a fun experiment, I don’t have good reason to believe it would produce the best results. In the past I’ve seen very good results from the pre-planned elements like the exercises, so I’m going to keep what works well and continue to refine it as usual. CGW #4 worked very well, so I expect to use a similar format for CGW #5 with a number of tweaks to make it work even better.

If I feel inspired in the moment to stray from my plans, as I did with CGW #4, I’m happy to go with the flow of inspiration. But I’m not going to slack off on the planning and preparation. I simply don’t believe that would be the best approach.

As for the subjective perspective, that has become my default way of thinking now. This may affect how I present certain aspects of the workshop, but I don’t expect these to be significant sweeping changes. I’ve already been teaching the principles with a mixture of subjectivity and objectivity.

As for the core content of the workshop, that’s going to remain essentially the same. The cool thing about the 7 principles (Truth, Love, Power, Oneness, Authority, Courage, and Intelligence) is that they all have subjective and objective aspects. When we speak of Truth, for example, we can talk about your inner truth (your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs), or we can talk about external truth (perceptions and predictions).

The core principles are universal enough that you can apply them just as easily to a dream world as to a physical universe. So it doesn’t matter how you believe reality works — the principles can help you accelerate your growth either way. That’s because the principles stem from consciousness, regardless of where that consciousness comes from. If you’re conscious, you can use these principles to good effect.

I’d say the most likely source of improvements for CGW #5 is that I’m going to pay a lot more attention to my beliefs with respect to each segment. I’ll go over my notes from the previous workshops and think about how the feedback reflects my own beliefs and expectations. Then I’ll make changes based on what I believe will work best.

The bigger issue is that this trial has given me such a new sense of possibility that I can’t say what I’m going to do after CGW #5. I originally expected to do many more CGWs, but now I can’t say for sure whether I will or not. At the moment the October CGW is the only one scheduled. I haven’t lived with the results of this trial long enough to get a clear sense of what I’ll do next. It’s possible that I may schedule more CGWs, perhaps even in different cities, but it’s also possible I may decide to take my work in a different direction after CGW #5.

I’m very glad I did this trial. It was intense, but it was worth it.

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Learn how to make faster progress in your career, finances, relationships, habits, health, and more. See Steve at the Conscious Growth Workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 24th, 2010 at 3:59 pm and is filed under Consciousness & Awareness, Intention & Manifestation, Metaphysics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Monday, November 15, 2010


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Life offers an abundance of concerns to which you can give your attention. A significant part of living consciously includes deciding what is deserving of your attention and to what extent as well as deciding what isn’t deserving of your attention.

How do you decide what’s worthy of your attention and what isn’t?

Let’s consider some potential concerns.

On a scale of 1-3, make a quick rating of how attention-worthy each concern is for you (see list below).

1 = unworthy of your attention
2 = somewhat worthy of your attention
3 = very worthy of your attention

Here’s the list. These are in no particular order, and it’s not a complete list. It’s just a list to get you thinking.

“It depends” is a perfectly reasonable answer if you feel your rating would depend on the situation or circumstances. If that’s your answer, see if you can gain clarity about how the situation would affect your answer.

your favorite TV show(s)astrophysicsgovernmentnational/global newslocal newsyour neighborhoodyour homeyour jobyour incomeyour best friendyour bossyour parentsyour familythe economyFacebookproductivityyour nighttime dreamsyour goalsliteraturepoetrymoviesporngossip about people you knowemailTwitterthe latest softwareincome taxesyour net worthyour weightyour physical appearanceyour wardrobeyour primary relationship partnermeditationphysical exercisereading non-fictionreading fictionmusicarttravelfine diningcookingsmokingdoing drugspharmaceuticalsconspiracy theorieshealthy eatingforming positive habitsovercoming addictionsmaking moneyprotecting the environmentcleaningbeing organizedpersonal hygienedatinggoing to bars or night clubstheaterdancingsexmarriagehaving kidsparentinglawmathematicsmedicinebiologysciencechemistryphysicsmanufacturingminingstocksreal estateinvestingfarmingcoffeegeographylearning other languageswritingInternet marketingphilosophymetaphysicsvideo gamesgamblingtechnologycomputer programmingentertainmenteducationnational debtthe militarypersonal growthpsychic developmentyour emotionsbeing in naturedeveloping new skillsscience fictionyour next promotionpublic speakingattending conferences

You can print out this list and jot down a numerical rating for each item, or you can simply say each rating aloud as you read it online.

Feel free to add your own items too — anything you’d like to include is fair game.

Take your time as you do this. Don’t necessarily go with your initial impulse rating for each item. Pause for a moment and think. How do you know if an item is worthy of your attention or not? What makes one item worthy and another unworthy? Push yourself to come up with a reason to justify each rating. This is a learning exercise to help you discover what matters most to you and why.

Notice that if you want to, you can choose to give your attention to anything you desire. If you want to focus on your income, you can do that. If you want to give some attention to the environment, a fiction book, or your girlfriend, you can do those things too.

Notice that in the absence of such choices, your attention will be pulled towards something by default. If you don’t make a conscious choice here, someone else will decide for you. It may be your boss, a family member, an advertiser, a collective social influence, or someone or something else, but it won’t be something of your deliberate choosing.

When you don’t make these choices yourself, you fall back into unconscious living, and generally speaking, your results will suffer for it. Such unconscious results are usually quite poor compared to the results you can get from living consciously.

And lastly, notice that attention is a very limited resource. You don’t have an infinite attention capacity. You can only give your attention to one item — or at most, a few items — at a time. Attention should be viewed as a precious resource, something you invest carefully and thoughtfully. You don’t have much of it to spread around, so don’t let it go to waste.

Now that you’ve given some thought to what’s worthy of your attention, it’s a good idea to make a list of what’s actually capturing your attention.

I suggest that you set aside a full day or two for attention capture. You can do this very easily. Get a blank piece of paper, and each time something new catches your attention that isn’t already written down, add it to your paper.

Don’t worry about tracking how much time you attend to each item. Just make a complete list that reflects the variety of thoughts and activities that captured your attention throughout the day.

At the end of the day, your list may look something like this:

feeling I should get out of bed earlierwanting to lose weightwanting to eat healthierfiguring out what to eatweb surfingemailworking on Project Aworrying about moneythinking about the weekendtalking with my partner about something trivialfeeling stresseddriving to work, thinking about billsattending a meeting, mostly zoning outreading work-related itemswatching TV…etc.

When you feel you have a pretty good representation of your attention-grabbing concerns, whether it takes you a few hours or a few days to complete the list, go ahead and give each item on your list a 1-3 rating like you did earlier. Of all the items that captured some of your attention, which ones were truly worthy of it?

What do you notice about this? Are you giving your attention to items that are worthy of you? Or is your attention being drained away by trivialities? Which items weren’t on your list that should have been?

How do you know if an item is worthy or your attention or not? How can you separate the important from the irrelevant?

Here are some key criteria to consider:


What are the consequences of giving an item your attention vs. withholding your attention?

If there’s little difference either way or if the overall consequences are unimportant, it’s fair to say that the item isn’t worthy of your attention.

When it comes to understanding consequences, you must make your own assessment in this area. Don’t blindly subscribe to someone else’s assessment of the importance of a particular concern.

For example, I have never voted in any political election. I have never registered to vote. Certain social pressures may try to get me to believe that voting is my civic duty and that I’d be a bad person not to vote, but I say B.S. to all of that. Ultimately I have to make my own assessment of the importance of this action, and my personal determination is that in the grand scheme of things, my individual vote is irrelevant and statistically meaningless. Calling it a “right” or a “privilege” seems more like marketing than truth to me. So I do not vote… ever. Voting is a waste of time.

Not voting doesn’t mean I don’t care about world affairs. Of course I care. However, there are more intelligent options available to create change than the wasted effort of filling out a ballot.

Whether I vote or don’t vote, the consequences are negligible either way. As an activity, voting is unworthy of my attention.

You’re free to disagree with me of course. If you think voting is a good use of your time, by all means continue the practice. My point is that you cannot blindly accept social programming when it comes to determining what is or isn’t important to you. You have to make that determination for yourself.

Attention-worthy tasks show a pattern of having impactful consequences if you focus on them. Giving them your attention makes a very noticeable difference. If, however, you squander your attention on unworthy items, your results will be either negligible or negative.


In addition to consequences, also consider the degree of control you have over a particular concern.

If by giving your attention to a certain item, you have the ability to influence it in a meaningful way, then it’s more attention-worthy than an item that you cannot influence much.

For example, through my writing, I’m able to exert a lot of influence over people’s results when it comes to personal growth. This is an area where I have a lot of control. I can decide which topics to write about and how to express key points. Since I’ve been doing this for many years, I can see that my efforts have a positive impact. I can nudge people towards making more conscious choices. Every time I post a new article, it creates many ripples.

On the other hand, I don’t seem to have much control over the local politics in Las Vegas. I could give that subject a lot of attention, but I’m not currently in a position to have much impact there. So keeping up with local politics isn’t a good use of my time, relatively speaking. Consequently, I largely ignore local politics, so I can focus on other areas where I can make a more positive difference with less effort. This choice helps me be more efficient.

If you give your attention to items you can’t control, you’re essentially wasting your time. It’s more intelligent to focus on what you can control and influence. Then your influence will expand over time, and your power will increase.

Opportunity Cost

The attention-worthiness of any particular concern is relative to other items you could be choosing instead.

Will you watch TV or read a book? Will you go on a date or work on your Internet business? Will you get up early and exercise or sleep in late?

Whenever you give your attention to one concern, it means you’re withholding your attention from all other possible concerns. This entails a hidden cost of the potential value of the items you’ve declined to pursue.

If you had used your time differently during the past 5 years, you could have an extra million dollars in the bank. Another path might have led you to travel through dozens of different countries. And still another path might have you looking at a very fit and sculpted body in the mirror right now.

Are you happy with the path you’re currently following? Do you feel you’ve been giving your attention to thoughts and activities that are truly worthy of you? Are the opportunities that you’ve declined to pursue of lesser value than the ones you did pursue? Have you been turning down the good in order to pursue the best?

Or are you feeling disappointed with yourself right now?

Think of your attention as an investment. For each unit of time you invest, you’re generating certain results.

Some investments yield positive returns. Others yield zero or negative returns.

Don’t expect to be perfect right off the bat. This is a growth process that plays out over many years. To live more consciously, keep withdrawing your attention from trivial concerns, and redirect it towards those areas where you can have a stronger and more positive impact.

For example, I spent a lot of time during my 20s creating and publishing video games. Eventually I pulled my attention away from that field and redirected it to personal development. Shifting my attention thusly has allowed me to have a stronger and more positive impact, and I also reap greater rewards from creating and delivering more value to others.

Making these kinds of shifts can be a real challenge. Don’t expect the journey to be easy. Many people remain addicted to trivialities all the way to their graves. Often they can’t get past the social conditioning that tells them they should care about things that simply don’t matter. Don’t fall into that trap.

To live consciously, you must be the one to clarify and decide what matters most to you, and then you must discipline yourself to focus your attention on those items by deliberately withdrawing your attention from lesser concerns. Don’t expect life to do this for you. Don’t expect others to help you much. And never, ever whine that you don’t know what to do. It’s your job to figure it out — the task sits squarely on your shoulders. To complain that it’s too burdensome will only make it seem harder.

It’s okay to make mistakes as you figure this out. You don’t need to concoct a grand plan in advance, so don’t use the lack of one as an excuse for procrastination. Simply do the best you can in each moment, and you can continue to upgrade your choices as you go along. Keep pushing yourself to drop low-value activities, and replace them with higher value ones. Drop TV and read non-fiction instead. Dump the gossip-addicted friend who does nothing for you intellectually, and replace her with a more intelligent and resourceful friend. Quit the cigarettes, and shift that slice of your attention — and your budget — to becoming a fitness maven. If you still insist on using the “I don’t know what to do” excuse, then drop to the floor and do push-ups until you think of something that’s a better use of your time than doing push-ups. I suspect your brain will come up with a few ideas very shortly.

Very often when you reduce the time wasters by dropping low-value relationships and activities from your life, your understanding about what really matters to you will skyrocket. Time wasters will invariably fog your vision. Get rid of them as quickly as you can, and clarity will return. You will not miss the time wasters, even if you feel you’re addicted to them now.

Don’t let the difficulty of the task become an excuse for laziness. Keep pushing yourself to upgrade to more attention-worthy activities while dropping trivialities from your life, and you’ll find that your life becomes something quite special — rich in meaning and purpose. The alternative is a life of increasing disappointment and regret.

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Learn how to make faster progress in your career, finances, relationships, habits, health, and more. See Steve at the Conscious Growth Workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 at 11:52 am and is filed under Consciousness & Awareness, Metaphysics, Productivity, Self-Discipline, Time Management. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Steve Pavlina Facebook Fan Page

By popular request (i.e. constant nagging for last year), and finally create a Facebook fan page Steve Pavlina. If you have a Facebook account, please feel free to friend me there by clicking the "like" on this page.:)

My personal Facebook page has already maxed out everyday at 5,000 members for more than a year, so I was stuck with a queue growth than ever of hundreds of requests for my friends do not approve. I only can add new members of the Facebook people are gone, but always waiting list grows faster.I also can't add new members to my own chose also when I fall down members 4980 or to Facebook I'm too close to the limit and still give me to send requests to a new Member.

Nice thing about fan pages is that they provide essentially the same functionality as the standard Facebook page, but as I say, there is no limit on the number of connections that you have.The best part for me is that I don't need to approve requests go to the page manual fan — as you may imagine, doing it for a page with thousands of requests to get a bit tiresome.

Just let the Facebook fan page within an hour previously, and there are dozens of people are already connected to it, I suspect it eventually take Facebook-my personal page in terms of the number of connections.

I'm not sure what to do differently with the page fan in front of one personal, so in the meantime, I'm probably replicate status updates on both. In the long run, I probably won't have to pay more attention to the fan grows of the number of connections, using it as a place to stimulate discussion and feedback on a variety of ideas.

I am already into a social network and online since 1994, so I'm already very active in Facebook and Twitter if you saw my personal Facebook page, you know that it is quite lively.

Catalyst but rather that finally pushed me over the edge to create a fan page was reading the book the Facebook effect: inside story of the company that is connected to the world by David was brought.This is a fascinating read if you care to learn about the history of Facebook.Buy and read it on my iPad.

Post to TwitterThis Post to Facebook tweet post post on Facebook

Learn how to make faster progress in your career, relationships, financial habits, health, and more. see Steve at conscious growth workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This value is used on Monday 6th September 2010 at 5: 30 pm and is filed under General, technology., you can track all responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. both comments and pings are currently closed.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Road Tripping

This is a quick update to let you know that I won't be doing much, if any, blogs for the next few weeks since I currently leads the Rachelle road Carmel.

This morning we are going to enjoy brunch vegetarian at Fellini of Berkeley, California. Then we're North San Francisco Bay area 350 miles to Ashland, Oregon to stay with a friend, to move the Mount Shasta.On Sunday we reach bportland. I never been to Oregon before, so I'm looking forward to this part of the trip.

I have received dozens of suggestions from people who want to meet along the way, but it is not practical for us to coordinate ads meet (individually or in small groups) as we travel, especially when we are only in the city every 1-3 days. So we do not intend to do advertisements all special meet-up along the way.

So I I enjoy travel, although I already to before all our stops Renault, Sacramento, San Francisco.Starting today we're going to Rachelle, never was, Oregon, Washington, and Western Canada.

There's a lot of driving, but after the faster pace of "doing" of the city, you can find a wonderful long drives relaxation — it is pensive and thought how new ideas.

During my blogging hiatus, feel free to browse the extensive archive. where you'll find value 1000 articles on many aspects of personal development, mostly hslsolim in nature.

Furthermore, get off the computer and for the apply some ideas that you've read about on this site. don't say me what realizations you had, and stop asking questions like tactic delay. proof by using the action already growing, has changed.

Select article, extract one or two practical ideas can use, and place it into the action today.

Want to reiterate a growth of October you will be the last to do CGW.I explained the reasons why the last section of this post so if you want to participate in CGW rule you are waiting for "the next one" after October, this means you are probably going to Miss CGW altogether.

Things …All good:)

Post to TwitterThis Post to Facebook tweet post post on Facebook

Learn how to make faster progress in your career, relationships, financial habits, health, and more. see Steve at conscious growth workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This value is used on Saturday 25 September 2010: 04: 00 am and is filed under General. you can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. both comments and pings are currently closed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life dream

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Today is Day 24 of my 30-day inspiration experiment, which also includes viewing everything through the lens of subjective reality.

In this update I’ll share a number of observations on what it’s really been like to view life as a dream for more than three weeks straight.

Throughout this trial my emotions have been all over the place. Sometimes I’ve felt incredibly blissful, and other times I’ve felt very stressed.

When I feel stressed, it isn’t related to events coming up or anything like that. My calendar is still essentially blank. So I’m not feeling anxious about anything I “have to” do. If I wanted to I could just be a couch potato for days on end.

I believe this stress has to do with the nature of this experiment. My whole conception of reality has been stretched to the point where I’m actually feeling a sense of loss or grieving with respect to my old life. I’m too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort. That isn’t easy to accept, and I’m experiencing different waves of emotion as I try to understand the consequences.

“Loss” may be the wrong word. I’m not teary eyed about it. But it’s such a huge change that it sometimes feels like I’m floating through space with no solid ground beneath me.

I don’t have enough familiarity with this way of living to know what’s coming up, so I really can’t predict the long-term consequences. Life has become much less predictable, and the rate of change is extremely rapid.

The changes I’ve experienced as a result of this trial have been incredibly positive, even in the objective sense, but positive change can still be stressful. Events like moving to a nicer home, getting married, or winning the lottery can add a lot of stress to your life.

So that’s what it feels like for me. I love the positive changes, but collectively I’m feeling a lot of stress about it. Fortunately this stress seems to be gradually decreasing over time as I get used to living this way. In many ways I feel like a baby, having to relearn so many things from the ground up. It feels like I’ve torn apart my life, and I’m rebuilding it from fairly basic building blocks. That takes time.

On the other hand, sometimes I’ve been feeling totally blissful, happy, and excited too.

I believe I can handle the stress. I just need to pace myself and take steps to keep the stress manageable. I’m optimistic that the stress feelings will continue to diminish with time. I’m constantly out of my comfort zone, but I expect that given enough time, I’ll eventually become more comfortable with this way of perceiving reality.

For most of this trial, I haven’t bothered to stick to much of a routine. If this is a dream world, then what’s the point?

Well, I’m starting to realize there is a point to having a routine. Against a backdrop of uncertainty, some daily structure can have a soothing effect. It reduces stress and provides a sense of security and stability.

Feeling like you’re floating through a cosmic wonderland might be exciting for a while, but doing that for weeks at a time can be very unsettling.

Simple things like going for a walk, preparing and eating meals, and even breathing help me feel more grounded. I may know it’s not real, and in a dream world, much of what I do may not even be necessary, but I’m finding good reasons to do those things anyway.

Nighttime dreams are usually very brief, lasting only a matter of minutes. But when you have a dream that lasts for weeks, it really does feel nice to populate the dream world with some persistent structures in time and space, if only for emotional reasons.

During this experiment I’m feeling very appreciative of my home, long-term relationships, and other things that give me a sense of stability. Even eating an apple helps me feel grounded because it’s familiar.

I’m reminded of the scene from the first Matrix movie where Cypher is enjoying a steak dinner with Smith. He says he knows the stuff in the Matrix isn’t real, but he doesn’t care. I can relate to feeling much the same way. I know it’s all dream stuff, but for now I still need to connect with what’s familiar for a sense of stability and grounding.

On the flip side, the more I embrace the belief that life is a dream, the more the dream world reveals itself as such.

For starters, the number of synchronicities I’m experiencing is way off the scale, and it’s not just with me. All my inboxes have been flooding with similar messages from others reporting a major increase in synchronicities lately. It feels as if the whole dream world is shifting.

I’d say that on average, I’m seeing about 3-5 striking synchronicities every day now. They’ve been coming in nonstop since this experiment started.

Have you seen an increase in syncs in your life this month? I wonder if it’s related to this experiment somehow.

For example, about a week ago, I had the strange inspiration to go rent the movie Alice in Wonderland (the recent version with Johnny Depp). An hour or two before I left my house, someone had just emailed me a quote from the Princess Bride, which is my favorite movie of all time. As I walked into the video store, I saw the Princess Bride playing on a TV there.

On my way home, I was listening to “When Tomorrow Comes” by Eurythmics, the first line of which is:

Underneath your dreamlit eyes, shades of sleep have driven you away.

The song before that one was “Sweet Dreams.” This is on their greatest hits album.

About a block from my house, I see a real rabbit sitting in the middle of the street. He stares at me as I drive within a few feet of him. Funny that I would see him while driving home with Alice.

I watch Alice while having dinner, and the movie is overflowing with subjective reality references like, “It’s just a dream” and “All I have to do is wake up” and “I make the path.” Alice even refers to the Mad Hatter as a figment. At the end of the movie, she leaves her old life behind and gets on a boat. In an objective sense, the movie is only so-so, but it’s a lot more interesting when viewed through a subjective lens.

Reality is practically beating me over the head with validation that yes, this is a dream world. At times I feel that life has been dropping me hints about this, but it took me a long time to see the big picture. The whole 11:11 phenomenon was one of many clues — it makes perfect sense that such events would occur in a dream world.

One funny aspect of this experiment is that since I’m doing it publicly, most of the people in my life know about it (or so it seems). So when people email me or call me, they often address me as a character in their dream world or as a projection of mine. Same goes for phone calls.

Objectively I could say they’re just playing along. But subjectively it’s as if they’re finally acknowledging the truth.

I’ve been spending a LOT of time on communication lately. It’s sometimes a challenge to maintain the frame of a dream during an immersive conversation, but I’m gradually getting used to it. I’ve noticed that conversations take on a whole different flavor when I view them through the dream lens and when I address the other person as a dream character.

So far no one that I communicate with regularly has objected to being treated like a dream character. Actually it’s just the opposite. Most people seem intrigued and enjoy playing along, and we end up having some pretty deep conversations as a result. Even people that I thought were very left-brained are revealing different aspects of their personalities that I seldom see. They typically become much more playful, open, and light-hearted.

One day when I was spending time with my dream daughter Emily, I asked her to consider that life might actually be a dream. Then I began pointing things out to her that seemed dream-like. I showed her rooms in my house that have no furniture in them, asking her what kind of real house would have empty rooms like that. It must be a dream house.

Then it started pouring rain, and I took her outside and showed her that it was raining, but the sky was blue, and it was bright and sunny out. I asked her if that seemed at all like a dream. She seemed a bit suspicious while we pranced around in the rain. Was it real rain or dream rain?

On a different day, I took Emily out to dinner. As we were driving back, stopped at a crosswalk, a pedestrian crossed in front of us with an umbrella. I asked Emily why someone would be using an umbrella when it’s not even raining. Must be a dream!

Interacting with dream people is a lot of fun. In fact, I think I’ve been getting over-addicted to socializing during this time because the interactions are just so amazing. On many days I’ve spent hours on the phone.

Last week I had a lucid dream during a 20-minute nap. Within the dream world, I was in my own kitchen, and I knew that my body was asleep on the couch and that I was definitely dreaming.

I decided to try doing telekinesis in the dream world. I couldn’t make it work at all. At best I was able to possibly make some leaves on a tree rustle a little, but it could just as easily have been explained by a dream breeze. It didn’t really feel like I was controlling it.

In fact, I didn’t seem to wield any special abilities in the dream world at all. The whole experience could just as easily have happened in this reality.

Now this is a strange development indeed. Normally when I have a lucid dream, I’m able to do all kinds of cool things like flying. But not this time.

By believing that I’m dreaming while awake, is it possible that I somehow infected the next deeper level of dreaming with my limiting beliefs about this world?

So far this was the only lucid dream I’ve had during this experiment. I wonder what will happen as I have more.

Some dream characters asked if there was a risk of eating non-vegan food during this experiment.

I don’t see that as a serious possibility since I don’t regard non-vegan items as food. Even in my nighttime dreams, I still eat vegan, and if I ever dream that I eat something non-vegan by mistake, I actually get grossed out within the dream.

I’ve been vegan since 1997, so I’ve been eating this way for most of my adult life (or at least I dreamt it that way). Eating non-vegan dream food would be like eating dream sawdust or dream bugs. I simply have no appetite for such things, regardless of the true nature of reality.

That said, I’ve done a lot of experimenting with vegan dream food. Initially I figured I should be able to eat whatever the heck I wanted. How could it affect me if it’s just dream food? Would the awareness that I’m dreaming be enough to change how the food affected me?

So I consumed lots of complex foods like pasta, pizza, soy lattes, and even some wine.

I stopped exercising completely too. Haven’t been to the gym in weeks. About the only exercise I’ve done was going for some walks.

I also didn’t pay as much attention to hygiene. What does it matter in a dream world? Sometimes I wouldn’t shave for more than a week.

And guess what happened. I gained a few pounds. I started feeling sluggish. I didn’t get sick, but I definitely didn’t feel as good in my dream body.

After a few weeks of that, I began to feel somewhat disgusted with myself. I began having strong cravings for healthier, lighter foods like fresh fruit. I knew I’d feel much better on those foods, even if they weren’t real.

Then I realized that I could be seeing these results because I expected them. My subconscious was still filled with beliefs and memories about how certain foods would affect me, and the effects I experienced were all in line with those expectations.

So I had the thought that if I wanted to have a healthier dream body, I should consume foods that I believed were the healthiest and avoid those that I believed were unhealthy.

So several days ago, I shifted to doing that. I went to a local farmer’s market. I bought the foods I considered the healthiest stuff I could put in my body — celery, cucumber, dark leafy greens, fresh berries, grapes, etc. I hit a sync there too: As I walked up to the farmer’s market, a friend from Toastmasters was just walking out, so we hugged hello right at the entrance.

I began eating foods I believed would make me feel good without negative side effects. And lo and behold, I started feeling much better within a couple days, and the excess weight began to drop off. Presently I’m really craving raw foods, and I know I feel best when I eat mostly fresh produce, so I’m doing 95-100% raw for now. I’m eating mostly fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and greens in various combos. The only cooked item I ate was a stir fry of fresh zucchini, yellow squash, and bell peppers.

Now I’m starting to feel a stronger urge to exercise since I know it will make my dream body feel even better. What kinds of dream exercise might I do to put my dream body into optimal condition?

These may seem like subtle distinctions as compared to the objective perspective, perhaps almost circular in nature, but for whatever reason, everything is different on the subjective side. Even things that were working for me objectively, I have to rebuild them on the subjective side with a new mindset. Eating based on my beliefs doesn’t feel quite the same as eating based on objective nutritional science. The same goes with exercising.

Instead of having to objectively figure out an optimal diet by learning the science behind different foods and doing lots of trial and error, I can now simply eat whatever I presently believe is the healthiest and avoid what I believe to be unhealthy.

This introduces a new level of self-honesty, since it’s harder to delude myself about my own beliefs.

For example, on the objective side I may drink some coffee. The chemistry of coffee is so complex that apparently many scientists still don’t know what to make of it. So it’s easy to justify drinking it. It can mentally place it into the gray area of health by focusing on the potential benefits. Or I can simply enjoy the indulgence.

But on the subjective side, it’s a lot harder to do this. When I ask myself how I honestly believe coffee will affect me, I can’t pretend it’s a health food. I have too much history with it and too many memories of how addictive it is for me and how it messes with my thinking. So for the moment, I must deal with my subconscious expectation that coffee will negatively impact my health.

It takes a while to rebuild my life from the subjective side. I feel very fortunate that I have the time to do so because it looks like it’s going to take many more weeks. I’ve made major progress in the area of relationships, and this week I seem to be focusing on health a lot. But I have yet to dive into the career and financial aspects of my life. I sense that’s coming up though, perhaps within the next few weeks. It’s hard to say because I’m just going with the flow of inspiration. Apparently this flow is taking me through a process of recoding my whole life part by part. As I mentioned earlier, this has been somewhat stressful due to all the changes, but it’s also pretty exciting to see it unfold. I’m certainly pleased with the results thus far.

Even in areas where my life may look relatively unchanged, my inner experience has shifted massively. I may be eating similar foods once again, but it feels so different to buy, prepare, and eat foods with a dream world perspective. I know that I have so much more to explore from this perspective.

Right now I mainly want to get the basics right. I don’t want to attempt anything too fancy. I want to see what it’s like to get my overall life working subjectively and to maintain that for a while. Right now I feel like I’m only 30% of the way through this initial process of subjectively refactoring my life. I can see that there’s still a lot more to go.

As I move forward with my subjective life, I have a few options when it comes to dealing with beliefs.

The first option is that I can work within the framework of my existing beliefs. This suggests that if I do what I subconsciously believe will work, I can expect a positive outcome. So I have to get clearer about my existing beliefs and stay true to them.

The second option is to condition new beliefs to replace the old ones, and see how those new beliefs affect me. There are a number of different methods for this, but it’s tricky work because beliefs interact with each other. It can also be pretty time consuming because we have a lot of subconscious beliefs.

A third option is to reduce my reliance on beliefs altogether. I can realize that they’re simply experiential filters, and I don’t necessarily need them. There are methods to do this as well, such as Ho’oponopono.

Right now I’m mainly shifting into the first option. I feel intuitively drawn to explore that space first. That’s the space I understand best, and the results I can expect there seem the most stable, grounded, and predictable. That should give me a stable base for exploring other options.

Then I suspect I’ll explore the third option more intently, working to reduce my conditioning and seeing what effect it has. I want to build up more experience living subjectively before I attempt anything like that in earnest though. What I’ve already done so far is enough of a shift to process. I wouldn’t want to add more change to my life just yet. I’m barely able to handle the current pacing.

Beliefs essentially act as experiential filters. They constrain the dream world. I don’t feel ready to release too many of those constraints just yet, but I suspect that with enough experience living this way, I’ll eventually feel ready to explore that part of dream life.

Even though I don’t want to make major changes in this area, I can’t resist the temptation to play around with some dream reprogramming work. It’s too much fun to avoid it altogether.

For starters, I’ve been recoding the dream characters in my life to experience greater financial abundance.

Secondly, I’ve been working to inject more peace and harmony into the dream world, such as by imagining the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as ended. I started doing this a couple weeks ago. I’m curious to see if it has any noticeable effect.

As for what technique to use, in a dream world the specific technique doesn’t matter. What matters is that you believe and expect it will work. A method is meaningless unless you create the belief in it, and that belief would be pretty hard to manufacture on the objective side. On the subjective side, however, such a belief arises as a natural consequence of being in a dream world.

I believe I have the ability to make changes in the dream world through the application of thought and intention. I’ve seen this in the past with my own life, and I’ve seen how it’s possible to reprogram other dream characters at times.

One specific method I use is to “remember” a dream character differently and to stop validating a less desirable reality for them. So if they’re currently broke, I refuse to feed any more energy to their brokeness. In my mind’s eye, I remember them as already abundant. And then when I interact with them, I affirm them as enjoying financial abundance right now. If they disagree with me initially (some are ornery), I point out that they must be crazy or blind not to see all the money that’s flowing through their life. Or I imagine them as more flexible and more grateful.

Objectively speaking you could say this is a form of hypnosis. However, I find that it works even if I don’t tell the dream characters what I’m doing on their behalf.

Now maybe you think this is crazy (or I’m just imagining that a dream character might react in that way), but it seems to be working — and in a manner that’s so over the top, I’d have to be blind not to notice that something has shifted. Since I started doing this, and even before I told anyone what I was doing, various dream characters started reporting windfalls of extra money coming to them, often in unexpected ways. That’s been really cool to see. If you haven’t seen this happening in your own life yet this month, you’re about to see it soon. When the money shows up, be sure to receive it with gratitude; say yes to it.

So if you don’t mind, I’m going to remember you as a financially abundant dream character and treat you as such. I’m no longer interested in feeding any energy to your financial struggles. Financial scarcity is so last dimension. I’d rather enjoy a dream world where every dream character can enjoy plenty of abundance.

The subjective mindset takes responsibility to a whole new level. I have to feel a sense of responsibility for everyone in my dream world. I do my best to focus on affirming the positive for them. However, I haven’t practiced this enough to make it an ingrained habit yet, so I still flop into the habit of affirming what’s already present at times. I’ll get better with time.

Does this mean I see myself as some kind of god? No, it just means I’m a dream character with some degree of programming skill. I know how to implant suggestions into the dreamer’s subconscious, and then they manifest in the dream world. I can’t say who the dreamer is, and I don’t always know what the effect will be or if the new commands will be accepted. But I can see that there are effects being created, and they can be pretty intense and dramatic at times.

I’m reminded of these lines from the Depeche Mode song “Lie to Me”:

Experiences have a lasting impression
But words once spoken
Don’t mean a lot now

So lie to me
But do it with sincerity
Make me listen
Just for a minute
Make me think
There’s some truth in it

In other words, you don’t have to be loyal to a present reality you don’t want. You can creatively “lie” your way into a new reality. I wouldn’t call this a fake it till you make it approach. Faking it implies you don’t believe it. In this case, you have to know that you have the power to implant commands into the dreamer’s subconscious and that they’re going to manifest in the dream world at some point. When you believe you can do this, the process of implanting a command is as simple as declaring it.

If you don’t believe you can do this, you’re right. If you believe you can do it, you’re also right.

Since this experiment began, our forum community has exploded with activity. This is the most active month we’ve ever seen, and we’re currently averaging more than 1,000 new posts per day.

I think it would be really cool if in the forums, for at least the rest of the month, we could all focus our energy on creating what we desire. Let’s collectively stop feeding energy to what we don’t want. Let’s stop validating any negativity we see in others. No more pity parties or group griping sessions about what isn’t working. That has never worked. Let us instead affirm the potential we see in each other instead of the lack thereof.

Even if we must creatively lie to each other, I’d love to see what kind of effect that would have. I think it warrants at least a couple weeks of experimentation.

For those who want better relationships, treat them as if they’re already attracting the relationship of their dreams. For those who want more abundance, interact with them as if they’re already rich; even ask them for financial advice. For those who want a new career, affirm that they’re already doing what they love and that they’re inspiring others as well. Treat everyone as the best version of themselves that you can imagine.

We only need a certain number of active members to hold the energy of this experiment. Once critical mass is achieved, the experiment will become infectious. It might even spread to other forums as well.

If you don’t like the results, you can always go back to complaining about what isn’t working in September.

What do you think would happen if we did this as a group? Let’s find out. :)

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Learn how to make faster progress in your career, finances, relationships, habits, health, and more. See Steve at the Conscious Growth Workshop, October 29-31, 2010.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 16th, 2010 at 2:35 pm and is filed under Consciousness & Awareness, Lucid Dreaming, Metaphysics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.